IDS_ERRBYNOTSUPPORTACTION= This operation didn 't do,because of not supporting! IDS_ERRBYPRODUCTMODEL= This operation didn 't do,because of failing to check product model! IDS_ERRBYSETOBJECTFAIL= This operation didn 't do,because of failing to create object! 1911 Serial Number Lookup. IDS_ERRBYOTHERRUNNING=This operation didn 't do,because of other operation running! IDS_ERRBYNOFOUNDDEVICE=This operation didn 't do,because of no device! IDS_ERRBYCREATESTEPFAIL=This operation didn 't do,because of failing to create step! Once you have succesfully added the firmware, RockChip Tool will load it. Step-by-Step instruction to use RockChip Batch Tool to Flash Stock Firmware on. You must have more than 40% of your mobile battery charged.IDS_LOADspiFAIL=spi File is not existed! IDS_ERRBYLOADCFGFAIL=This operation didn 't do,because of failing to load config information! IDS_ERRBYLOADFWFAIL=This operation didn 't do,because of failing to load firmware!.manage them all and treated them equally with their respective requirements.Detect more than one (multiple) accessories at a single time.

We can say quickly browse all the devices on your computer.Allows you to load all in once, i-e: Firmware support, Upgrade software, Include current versions,.Provide all initial information for your guidance.Use your micro SD card during the whole procedure.Created an upgrade service tool for newbies.It is a top-rated mobile flashing tool.After adding Click on the start or update button you can see in the front row.After starting this program, Click on the box which is placed right to the PW path.Now launch it on your Windows desktop PC computer.Find these extracted files with their setup exe.It is not important to connect your device while the installation process.Now it will be able to handle all devices with ease.Learn how to use the RK tool, Install and download from this landing page. With the multi android tool, you can manage stock firmware on models like RK 29, 30, and 31. If your device is not detecting any rock chip tool just download this version from the provided link location.